Monday, November 10, 2014

String Table

A string table is a Windows resource that contains a list of IDs, values, and captions for all the strings of your application. For example, the status-bar prompts are located in the string table.
While developing an application, you can have several string tables — one for each language or condition. However, an executable module has only one string table. A running application can reference several string tables if you put the tables into different DLLs.
String tables make it easy to localize your application into different languages. If all strings are in a string table, you can localize the application by translating the strings (and other resources) without changing source code. This is usually more desirable than manually finding and replacing various strings in source files.

Using the String editor, you can: 

  •  Search for one or more strings.
  • Quickly insert new entries into the string table.
  • Move a string from one resource file to another
  • Use in-place editing for the ID, Value, and Caption properties and view changes immediately.
  • Change the caption property of multiple strings
  • Add formatting or special characters to a string

String Table

A string table is a Windows resource that contains a list of IDs, values, and captions for all the strings of your application. For exa...